Thursday, July 2, 2015

What is Advocare 24 Day Challengewc

Have you wondered what all the fuss is about ? I know you heard about the challenge? What is the 24 day challenge?  Well it's just the BEGINNING !!!! It's not just about weight loss.... It's about fueling your body with the best nutrition so that you feel AMAZING, get out of your FUNK, stop dreaming about naps, have the energy to keep up with your kids, and get off the couch. It's about making healthier choices when it comes to eating and fitting in your clothes better !!! It's about being HAPPIER  and being a better role model for your family!

Advocare is a 20 year old trusted company and the challenge is not a FAD DIET or something you just do for 24 days it's a JUMP START.....WAY OF LIFE !!!

It's time to take control over your health....your QUALITY OF LIFE DEPENDS OF IT!!!

Get with me to find out more about Advocare and what it can do for you.
Follow me on twitter at

Simply check out my advocare page at

Here is a updated collage of my progress 55 pounds down !!!

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